Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hello everyone!  Yes, I'm still alive.  About an hour after I posted the last blog about the fourth of July, the computer went down...and has been for the last two weeks.  It was just fixed about 2 hours ago, so I thought I should let you all know I'm doing ok :-)

It's been a busy couple of weeks, and some really nice things have happened, which I'm going to try and write about.  I've also preached a few more times, so I'll post those homilies.  I also lost all the pictures on my camera from the first month of my time here. I was really sad about that!  The Bishop said he knows someone who can recover them, so I'm hoping that can happen.  I also finally got to see some wildlife!  I saw a herd of zebra and some giraffes grazing on the side of the highway and got some nice pictures of them (this was after I lost the pictures on my camera).  I'm still waiting to see if I'll get to go on safari, but time is quickly getting away from me lol.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you all know why I've been missing for the last two weeks.  I'll start posting now :-)

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