Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who said I'll never have any children?

One of the things that has often been difficult for me as I've discerned priesthood is the thought that I would never be a parent.  I love children, and I think I would make a good dad.  I've made peace with that, but an experience I had a couple of weeks ago made me ask myself, "Who said I'll never have any children?"

I visited Our Lady of the Desert Primary School on their last day before winter vacation.  Fr. Sylvester had an appointment, so he said that he would leave me to talk to the assembly myself.  I was a bit nervous, but of course, I got up there and did some sharing.  I talked about things I've already shared here on the blog: faith, family, priorities, etc., and I saw some of their heads nodding...that was a good sign.  After the assembly was finished, the Headmistress asked me to dismiss the kids, so I did.  Well, they came running up to me to shake my hand.  One student gave me a hug...and before I knew it, they were ALL hugging me.  I literally think I hugged about 80 students before the Headmistress pulled me out of the throng.  After the assembly, I met with the faculty and they asked me to give them a blessing.  It was a nice experience.  Even the non-Catholic teachers seemed to appreciate it.  One of the teachers asked me if I had a single brother she could marry...oy lol.  The Headmistress then told me she had a meeting to attend and invited me to walk around the school and greet the kids. 

As it was the last day of school, all the kids were busy helping to clean the grounds, mostly sweeping and picking up trash.  As I approached the younger grades, they all dropped their brooms and brushes and dustpans and ran to me.  They all wanted to take turn to hold my hand as I walked around the campus.  It was like trying to walk with 100 sheep tied to your hands.  They were pulling and laughing and screaming...it was overwhelming, but really fun :-) Eventually, one of the teachers told them to get back to their work, and I was left to run away while I still could lol.

I made my way over to the older student field and found them jumproping and playing soccer.  They also congregated around me, and started asking me a lot of questions about the US.  They also asked if they could touch my hair...they said it was so strange to them. It reminded me of that scene from Hook when the lost boys are touching the grown up Peter Pan's face, trying to recognize him.  I asked (jokingly of course) if they would like to take some of my hair home, and they all started putting their hands out LOL.  When Fr. Sylvester arrived to pick me up, he found half the school escorting me to the gate to meet him.  My hair was a complete mess and my alb was covered in so many dusty handprints that it wasn't white anymore.  He took one look at me, and with a smile asked, "So, how did it go?"  Of course you know what I said..."Absolutely wonderful."

I am very lucky and blessed to have two such wonderful parents.  I know many out there aren't as lucky.  That day confirmed for me that there is a reason we call our priests "Father."  I hope I can live up to that name, and more importantly, that if anyone is in need of love, they can find it in me.  Just as I have.


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